Monday, November 11, 2013

Party Politics and What Not

Have you ever noticed that it only takes a minute for a party to get out of control?? House parties can turn into nightmares when alcohol is introduced and lack of parental control includes leaving the liquor cabinet unlocked. 

Security at my place is pretty good—and cute too, but this story is about a different situation. 

I got a late night text from a "friend." At first, I thought it was a booty call but it wasn't. Even when they are—they're not mom so don't judge, just sayin'...

She was sitting in the bathroom watching another girl at a party who was wasted. They went to the party together so she didn't want to just leave her there. I asked her why they didn't just get in her car and go. But, the girl was being difficult and wouldn't leave. So I am getting the FML text at two in the morning because the drunk girl was so out of it that she was a prime candidate for getting raped and couldn't just be left there. That's when it hit me. 

All the home training that I got in California from my 'crazy' mother who reminded me to never leave my friends behind and my passport is for Europe not Mexico, was going to come in handy in college! Including: 

*If you are underage, don't drink. 
*Stay away from parties where you know less than 5 people per 25 in attendance.
*Hang out with people that have some sense.
*Watch your drinks.
*Always have cab fare on a date. 
*Know two people that can pick you up no questions asked. 

Thanks mom! I listened even when you thought I was blowing you off. I wasn't. I came to school to get an education not be a statistic.