Monday, September 16, 2013

One Month Check-In

Thanks to all the people that have given me advice on how to stay in shape while handling my 17 credit hours. Some of it made me laugh so hard I cried! But, some of it stuck and here's a little list of what is working great for me.

1. Plan Ahead: This is helping in class and on maintaining my ideal weight. By choosing the foods I plan to eat before I go to the grocery store, I am able to have quick and easy foods available all the time. Without a food plan on campus, this has been important because I can't just roll into the cafeteria and grab a bite to eat. In class, I am reading ahead and getting a baseline of knowledge so I am learning more when I am in class, not seeing something for the first time.

2. Get Plenty of Exercise: My apartment has a gym which I like to run in. Everyday, I ride my bike to class and walk all over campus to get to each building. They have a yoga class I take on campus. Also, there's the constant movement of being young and free of my parents... dancing or walking around at concerts.

3. Drink Plenty of Water: I drink a glass of water when I wake up. I had a water bottle holder attached to my bike. I drink water all day long and with dinner at night. Sometimes, when I feel hungry and I drink water the feeling goes away. I read somewhere that your body doesn't know the difference and I just make sure I eat enough food too!

4. No More Soda: This was the hardest change for me. I love soda! But, the empty calories were making me have sugar crashes during the day and I honestly like to eat and wanted to use my calories wisely. So, now I have lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to snack on all day.

5: Read the Food Labels: The "I can't cook" thing has been a bit hard to work around. I have been reading the labels and deciding if the calories are sensible. But, I try to shop around the edges of the grocery store instead of the prepacked stuff. I overflow my fridge space with fresh organic fruits and vegetables. I get the tuna in the pouches so they are convenient for travel. I buy organic eggs and eat them every day.

6: Smile and Enjoy Life: I am young and learning how to live on my own. When I think about how blessed I am to have this opportunity, I smile. Thanks for your advice on how to maintain my weight and sensibilities. My family is close by and I spend time with them any chance I get because together we are stronger.

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