Has it really been two months! No way... I can't believe how time flies when you are having fun or when life is chaotic.... Aye!
My grades are staying strong. I have been eating right and keeping those pesky 15# at bay... I have been able to thin out a bit in the middle so my clothes fit great. I am getting enough food to eat. Life is good!
Countless great things happened to me this month so I am going to thank the people that made this month memorable:
- Thank you to my uncle Michael who found me the perfect car!
- Thank you to my uncle Miguel who taught me how to drive a stick!
- Thank you to my parents for buying this car for me even though I am surprised that you caved on this point.
Learning to take care of yourself is a process. I am probable never going to be a chef, but I have learned to prepare a couple of things that are low calorie and high taste. I have made some great friends. Life is good...
I have been looking for a job this month. With my resume in hand, I have been to the local places to find a job that works well with my school schedule. Having limited work experience hasn't been in my favor. Wish me luck! So for now, keeping my scholarship is my job.
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