Monday, August 26, 2013

Moving In with Frilly Things

I didn't get to pick my apartment. My mom did and I was nervous until I showed up! We drove down the road in a rented trailer because the truck bed wasn't quite big enough to hold my stuff. What? I'm only 18 and I have been saving my money for college. I can't believe I had so much to pack. Maybe there is some truth to my dad saying I am a little spoiled.

But, I have been collecting clothes for a long time and they all felt so special to me and I didn't want to leave anything behind just in case I "needed" it. Imagine the joy I experienced when the staff aka. Hot Boys from the place offered to carry my boxes of clothes and frilly things to my fully furnished apartment. One guy asked if this was all my stuff. I felt a little shame, but I said yes.

A different Hot Boy asked me what was my specialty. I was thrown for a minute until he pointed at my set of pots and pans. I think that was the first real laugh my mom had during this moving process. You see, I can't cook, but it looks good to have those type of things in an apartment. I didn't know what to say. My sister cleared it up with her "they are just for looks." Then, we all laughed.

I didn't pack the clothes from my closet in boxes. Instead, I stacked them in the back seat of the truck. This is when things got a little dicey. I forgot to mention that I hang up some of my night time frilly things and those guys were going to see them now! Aye... this is when my mom and sister stepped in and said they could handle it from there. So, we thanked them and they went off to help other people that were moving in.

Crisis averted! And I thought the donut holes in the check-in lobby were going to be the big avoidance of the day...

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