Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Where is my ID?

I was taking a nap that had me in the arms of my boyfriend (insert famous name here). To be honest, it was a pretty good dream…but that’s not what this story is about.

My roommate comes into my room, tickles my foot and tells me to “Wake UP!” I was dreaming—I complained, but she didn’t want to hear about my sexy pretend boyfriend when there was a bar full of cuties waiting for us to shower and show up.

I ask about where we are going, but I don’t really care because my roommate is fun and knows where to go to dance. “A Little Bit.” She says and left my room fully expecting me to get into the shower and get hot!

I do all the necessary things before I put my clothes on. I step out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel. I stand in my closet trying on different outfits until I am happy with my choice. I hear someone knocking on the door and hear a girl I have never met step through the threshold after my roommate opens the door.

My hair is ready, my makeup is done, and I decide to hang with the new girl until my roommate is ready to go. We chat a little bit and I immediately think she is awesome. Then our ride plus company comes and it's off to El Paso, for A little bit of Texas. Let me tell you, it was not what I expected.

Giant buildings with neon lights surprise me as we drive into the area of town the club is located in. Since we are under 21, we get in line to pay. We finally reach the front of the line and I see this black sharpie come out and I am branded with a giant “X” on each hand. What! I look at my “X” and I remember Drew Barrymore in Never Been Kissed and I laugh at no one in particular. We go in to have some fun.

As I walk through the door, I notice a lot of eye candy. I immediately see a great choice dancing on top of a speaker box. I think to myself… “I like this place.” The first guy I dance with was kind of cute, but he is definitely not my type (don’t ask why) so I thank him for the dance and move on to the next one. 

After the next one, I decide it's time to scope out the dance floor and look for the girls, two of them are on the dance floor and I feel a little bit of relief but then think where's our driver? Another cute guy asked me to dance and I said okay, but only if we dance around the wall because I am looking for my friend. He agrees and I find her talking to some guy so I decide to leave her alone. All of us girls decide it was time to go to the outside part of the club to hangout and catch our breath. With all the dancing and sweat, the giant “Xs” have been coming off my hands all night—which I don’t notice at the time.

“Can I see your ID please?” Some guy I watched walk across the floor asked me.  Oh no, Security! To say this guy was big is an understatement. Ok, I can handle this… so I look in my pockets for my ID. I am flustered because he is giving me this crazy annoyed face and my ID is nowhere to be found. He is not amused.

“So if I call the cops, you are going to pass a breathalyzer test with a 0.00? Because when you don’t, you will be going to jail!” He threatens me, which of course did not help. I confirm that “I will” and he tells me to come with him. He makes a radio announcement about “another kid with no ID” and uses some code I don’t know.

Thankfully, my roommate sees what is going on and intervenes. She reminds me to check my phone before this very big man takes me towards the security office… I look between my phone case and my phone and find my ID tucked in my phone which was in my boot for safe keeping.

His annoyance reaches new heights. He pulls a sharpie out of his pocket and places the thickest “Xs” ever drawn in the history of mankind on my hands and tells me, “If these Xs come off then you will be kicked out. Understand?”

“Yes,” was all I could say. 

I am thinking about how eerily similar this situation seemed to the dream I was having when my roommate woke me up earlier. In my dream, the situation seemed funnier than in real life. I know I was safe from going to go to jail because I truly wasn’t drinking (honest mom), but getting hauled off by some big man is pretty scary in real life. It’s not nearly as sexy as the movies make it out to be.

We danced until 1:30 in the morning, collected some phone numbers, snapped a few pics, and then made the long trip back home exhausted but happy that all was well. Crisis averted! 

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